Monday, 25 March 2013


Back to animal portraits after my stint in sewing. Just a flatcolour this time, but I don't mind that on patterned animals. Today, a purple dalmatian.

"Dalmatian", Digital, February 2013
I used to draw a lot of dogs, since I wanted to get artwork accepted into the image bank on a website called Furry Paws (an online game where you show and train virtual dogs). I was mostly on there to look at the art forum, trying to sell character sheets and such for game cash. Strange, looking back at it, how motivated I was by something which had no real value. I didn't really want to spend it on anything. I just wanted to know that somebody wanted to pay for it, however insubstantial the currency was. Every sale was very validating.

I still probably couldn't get an image accepted into the Furry Paws image bank (the site's juried gallery of portraits which you can attach to your dog). They maintained a very high standard of anatomy, realistic patterning and technical artistic skill. But the fact that my work wouldn't be accepted doesn't bother me as much now as it did then. I don't really feel interested in heading down that particular path. I like to focus on colour and pattern, simple yet recognisable images. I like to work quickly and spontaneously, and have something to show for it when I'm done.

Maybe one day, I'll be spending hours on meticulous shading of an artwork, or carefully recreating the exact shape and proportions and textures of a poodle's nose. But not today. Today, I'm just creating fun, happy images that I enjoy looking at. That's good enough for me.

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